00 women’s health and mental wellness: observation of May as Mental Health Awareness Month.

Empowering women, Amar Ujala Foundation hosted an Aparajita initiative at Gandhi Degree College in Orai, Jalaun. This initiative uniquely highlighted the critical aspects of women's health and mental well-being. Dr. Rani Kumari, a respected figure and the Principal of the Nursing College, graced the event as a guest speaker, where she engaged with the college's female students to discuss pivotal health issues.

During her interaction, Dr. Kumari pointed out that May is celebrated globally as Mental Health Awareness Month, a time when the spotlight shines on the psychological well-being of individuals alongside their physical health. She stressed the significant relationship between physical activities and mental robustness, stating, "The more you challenge your body, the stronger you become, both physically and mentally. Neglecting physical exercise can lead to physical pain, which is often mirrored by mental distress."

Dr. Kumari also touched upon the importance of maintaining a positive outlook to safeguard one's mental health. "Just as we guard against physical illnesses, we must be vigilant about our mental health. Changing our perceptions towards illnesses and reducing negativity are essential steps toward health," she explained. Her message was clear: mental illnesses require the same level of caution and awareness as physical ones.

The Aparajita initiative by Amar Ujala Foundation not only addressed the health concerns but also aimed at changing societal attitudes towards women's health and illness. By promoting awareness and fostering discussions around these topics, the event marked a significant step forward in the battle against the stigmatization of mental health issues and aimed to empower women by educating them about the importance of health and positivity.


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